Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I probably won't get to update this as often as I'd like to--
There are a few blogs that I follow, all of which are very good at mentioning music and related things of interest. This will be my attempt to do the same.

I spend a lot of time at archive.org-- searching for background music, foreground music, headphone music, and everything in between. I've been a music fan all my life- I spent the late 80s as a teenager obsessed with bauhaus and Skinny Puppy, but as the 90s began I saw my first Grateful Dead concert and my musical horizon expanded even further... at the very same time, Techno was hitting all  of the clubs that I went to in the Northeast Ohio region and the sounds of producers like Quadrophonia and The Orb were thrilling, as was all the Industrial music that my friends (and future wife) were dancing to at a place in Akron called Carol's cage.

Needless to say, this was a very exciting time to experience the thrill of a loud sound system!

My name is Max and this is my blog.

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